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อาคารชลันต์ทิพย์ ชั้น 14 ซอยคอนแวนต์ ถ.สีลม บางรัก (ตรงข้าม รพ. BNH)






Cryo Facial therapy

How do beauty clinics use the benefits of cold blast or cryotherapy to create beautiful skins?

Anti acne and scar formula (Acne and Acne Scar)
Melasma formula (Maslama, Freckles and Dark Spots)
Toning and brightening formula (Skin Whitening)
Glow perfection formula (Plump and Silky Glass Skins)
Hydration- sensitive skin formula (Glow and Radiance Skins)
Why has this type of treatment become popular?

What are the benefits and advantages?

As mentioned above, it is recommended to get cryotherapy at least twice a week to create consistent glowing skin results. For the maximum results, there are some recommendations for before cryotherapy including having enough rest at least 1 night ahead of the treatment for skin prep and be sure to arrive makeup-free. Generally there is no redness after cryotherapy or irritation like laser.


It is important to avoid intense sun exposure at least 24 hours before and after cryotherapy. Also, maintain facial cleanliness to avoid acne. These are “How do beauty clinics use the benefits of cold blast or cryotherapy to create beautiful skins?” which we hope to ease your doubts and better grasp the idea.

However, ***there are some precautions to Cryo treatment that helps to deliver essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals deep into the skin’s layers, resulting in improved overall appearance with intense coolness such as


This treatment is not suitable and should be avoided for patients with Rosacea skin, post facial surgery, facial injuries etc. It is recommended to please always seek the advice of a doctor, a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition, procedure, or treatment for safety precautions.

Reduce acne vulgaris by eliminating P.acnes

Suitable for acne cures including inflammation, Acne Conglobata, pustules acne, hormones acne that could lead to inflammatory acne by applying on problem areas.

Leaves your complexion looking brighter
What does Cryo Facial therapy help?

Cryo Facial therapy treatment, a program that helps to restore skin problems. It can push vitamins into the skin, providing a feeling of coolness, relaxation and stimulation of collagen production, hyaluronic increase, moisturizing, radiant skin after making smooth. In addition, cryotherapy stimulates blood flow that gives cells the powerful push they need to nourish the skin. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells and gives you that youthful glow and activates collagen production in the deeper layers of your facial skin to boost elasticity, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin dullness, redness and uneven skin tone from acne or melasma and increase the skin’s ability to self-regenerate.

Melasma treatment
What are the benefits and advantages of Brightening Treatment?